Thursday, October 28, 2004


Bologna has a beastly airport. I noticed when I arrived. The floor is covered in red marble with white veins, like a cross-section of Italian meat. I had to stand in a zig-zag line and felt trapped in an intestine waiting to be digested. Then I took a taxi to Barbara's.
"Via _____ Vente Due."
"Grazie." Money.
Italy is a place with good food and strange people. The current trend is the mullet, worn by both men and women. Men gel up their business end into a tiny little mohawk, and let their party end dangle. Free to the wind, while wearing jackets with the collar up. Barbara and I went to Florence for a day to take in the sights. Short trip on the train. Surprisingly close to things, Bologna.
I went to Barbara's German class. You have to respect a language that can describe pink as hell rot.
We had other exciting adventures, too, and I'd love to tell you about them. But, I woke up at 3 this morning to come home, so I am tired.

Sleep with confidence,
your friend and mine,